Weight Ticker

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Weigh in day...

I'm up early, on a Sunday! Went to bed early last night and my body has seemed to get into a routine of 7.5 hours and it's had enough sleep. So I got up! I actually prefer to get up early, as there's so much more day!

So, finished the week at -95PP but with 25PP for exercise, so that's probably why I managed to lose this week! Only a 1.2lb loss, but a loss is a loss! Now at 12st 8lbs! After suggestions from friends on the salad issue, I've bought some different things, like walnuts, celery, pears and apples to add to salad, plus a new honey and mustard dressing from Tesco which is from their Light Choices range. I've also bought some small cartons of orange juice to make the dressing that Michelle suggested. I've taken Christine's advice as well, and I'm not putting in everything I like into a salad, to mix it up each time, rather than the same every day!

I found an area on the Weight Watchers site yesterday as well, which is Quick Meals. Loads of breakfast and lunch ideas in there, that I can do easily when I have to go to work early and lunches I can make the night before! I'm off until Tuesday and then 2 nights away on Wednesday and Thursday, but I'm in an apartment, so I can take my time and make the right choices!

So, that's all for today, happy with the direction, and looking forward to another loss next weekend, if I stay on track! I've got 1st 8lbs to go, so I'm just over half way!

Weeza xx

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